Village of Granville Municipal Building
51 Quaker Street
PO Box 208
Granville, NY 12832
Phone 518- 642-2640. Fax 518-642-2460
E mail:
Hours: 8:30 – 4:30 Monday – Friday
Department of Public Works
Superintendent – Scott Mackey 518-642-1815
DPW Services include: Spring/Fall Leaf & Brush Removal, water turn on/shut off, maintenance of Village Streets & Parks
The Village DPW will be collecting yard waste in the Spring and Fall on Mondays April-May and October – November. Leaves should be placed in clear plastic bags curbside; brush should be bundled into lengths not exceeding four feet. Those wishing service on dates other than those listed may contact the DPW at 518-642-1815 or the Clerk’s Office at 518-642-2640.
Learn about the mandated Water Service Line Inventory here.
Sewer Treatment Plant
Chief Waste Water Treatment Plant Operator
Scott Mackey 642-1815
Animal Control Officer
Nancy Quell 518-692-2840
Nuisance Wildlife Officer
Rick Vladyka 518-642-1531
Dave Guest 518-642-1125