2025 Village Election:
Election Results:
Village General Election Results March 181h, 2025, 12-9pm
The bi-annual Village General Election was conducted on Tuesday, March 18th from Noon to 9pm at the Village Municipal Center. The offices available included two (2) Trustee positions, each carrying a term of four (4) years, and a single Trustee position for two (2) years to fill the unexpired term of Daniel Brown, who resigned last June. The results of the election were as follows:
Trustee (4 Years)
Heather Leaman 52*
Paul Garrone 46*
Stephanie Munger 1
Trustee (2 years)
Denise Davies 55*
* Elected to office for a term of two or four years as specified above
There was a total of 29 in person votes, all of which were counted. There were 31 absentee ballots returned, 28 of which were opened/counted. Three absentee ballots were not opened by the inspectors-one as the voter had deceased prior to election day, one as the voter did not sign the reverse of the return envelope, and one as the signature on the reverse of the return envelope did not match the specimen seen in the poll book.
The Election inspectors were: Diana Scarlotta (Chair) and Janel Prehoda.
Respectfully Submitted,
Richard H. Roberts
Election Officer